Argentina Flag

Argentina country information

Country Presentation

Argentina is part of the South American continent. It stretches from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean. Argentina is bounded to the north by Bolivia and Paraguay. On the eastern side, the borders with Brazil, Uruguay and the Atlantic Ocean are drawn. On the western side, Argentina borders with Chile.
The territory of Tierra del Fuego or Tierra del Fuego, which includes the eastern half of the Great Island of Tierra del Fuego and several contiguous islands, including the island of States belonging to Argentina.

Argentina is a country with an area close to 2766890 km² and a population of just over 41343201 people. Argentina belongs to the continent of South America. Its ALPHA2 code is AR and ALPHA3 code is ARG.

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Some information on Argentina

iso3166 Alpha2 AR
iso3166 Alpha3 ARG
iso3166 Numeric 32
Fips country code AR
Country Argentina
Capital Buenos Aires
Area 2766890 km²
Population 41343201
Continent South America

The regions of Argentina

Buenos Aires (3187)
Catamarca (783)
Chaco (448)
Chubut (442)
Cordoba (2395)
Corrientes (1210)
Entre Rios (1076)
Formosa (370)
Jujuy (472)
La Pampa (712)
La Rioja (370)
Mendoza (566)
Misiones (391)
Neuquen (464)
Rio Negro (454)
Salta (930)
San Juan (396)
San Luis (1250)
Santa Cruz (263)
Santa Fe (990)
Santiago Del Estero (1947)
Tierra Del Fuego (48)
Tucuman (1096)

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